Leadership Team

Ankit Shah
Ankit has gained valuable experience working with a wide variety of industries, including public, private, and non-profit entities. He is proficient in preparing and consulting on most business entity types including corporate, pass-through, individual, exempt organization and fiduciary tax returns.
Ankit received his Chartered Accountant degree and Certificate in Forensic Accounting, Fraud Detection & Prevention (FAFD) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and also has bachelorette degree in Commerce (Accounts) from Gujarat University.

Narayan Kella
Narayan’s take-charge attitude combined with his extensive background in operations and finance, both in the private and public sectors, helps ensure that RNCA provides the best talent and business recommendations to effectively and successfully meet each client’s needs
Narayan received his Chartered Accountant degree from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and also has bachelorette degree in Commerce (Accounts) from Gujarat University.

Charmi Shah
Charmi has an extensive experience in the outsourcing industry providing consulting and advisory services to International Customers. Her expertise includes business development, operations, performance improvement and strategic planning. Prior to RNCA, Charmi has worked as a Senior Executive with Ernst and Young India.
Charmi received her Chartered Accountant degree from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and also has bachelorette degree in Commerce (Accounts) from Gujarat University.

Rajat Shah
Rajat leads all the outsourcing operations. In this capacity, He oversees firm’s outsourcing business operations, overall business strategy and manages all delivery, quality control and administrative services. Rajat has in depth understanding of U.S. and Indian GAAP and Tax laws and can address complexities arising out of multiple jurisdictions.
Before starting with Caramel, Rajat has worked with prestigious CPA firm in New York as well as CA firm in India. Where he has gained extensive experience in Accounts, Management reporting, establishing & reviewing Internal Controls and Audits.
Rajat received his Chartered Accountant degree and Diploma in Information System Audit (ISA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and has bachelorette degree in Commerce (Accounts) from Gujarat University. He is also pursuing degree from ACCA (UK).

Deep Parmar
Deep is a dynamic leader with a unique combination of financial acumen, strategic clarity and operational leadership. He has a proven track record of helping businesses grow their bottom-line by optimizing operations, improving efficiencies and managing turnaround plans. With over 25 years of Finance and Operations experience, he has helped companies gain operational and cost efficiencies through the use of outsourcing.
Before creating Caramel, Deep served in several executive positions, including CEO, CFO, COO, and Controller, working for multinational and domestic companies in Specialty Chemicals, Pharma/Biotech, Packaging, Pharmacy Benefits, Transportation and Consumer Finance industries. He is passionate about using his financial, strategic and operational skills to help small to mid-size companies achieve their profit objectives.
Deep received his MBA degree from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) – India and also has a degree in Civil Engineering from M. S. University, Vadodara – India.